Office of the University Registrar

Resident Tuition Request

Resident Tuition for American Indian Students

Student Name(Required)

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Mailing Address(Required)

Academic Quarter & Year(Required)
Quarter and year you are seeking in-state tuition. This tuition reduction will apply for the duration of continuous enrollment.

Provide verification of tribe affiliation (i.e., tribal membership).
Drop files here or

Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, Max. file size: 49 MB.

    Provide documentation of your domicile in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington during the year prior to your enrollment at the University of Washington. If you enrolled at a college in any of those state for more than 6 credits in a term during that one year period, also include documentation proving that you had a domicile in this state for non-college purposes.
    Drop files here or

    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, Max. file size: 49 MB.

      Provide any other files that you feel are pertinent to your request.
      Drop files here or

      Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, Max. file size: 49 MB.

        Clear Signature