March 10, 2025
Winter 2025 Grade Submission Reminder
Winter 2025 grades are due at 5 p.m. on March 25, 2025. Online submission will close at that time.
GradePage is the UW tool for grade submission. For instructions on using GradePage, please visit UW-IT’s GradePage support.
New OUR Website
The University of Washington Office of the University Registrar website will go offline Monday, March 24 beginning at 4:00 p.m. The new OUR website is expected to launch later that same evening.
GradePage Change of Grade Template
GradePage provides a template that you can download, complete, and upload to the Office of the University Registrar’s Change of Grade form. Using the template saves you the steps of manually filling in student names and numbers. The template is available for the current quarter (after grades have been submitted or the deadline has passed) and one previous quarter. Review UW-IT’s Change Submitted Grades for information on using the template.
New Undergraduate Incomplete Grade Policy and Request Form
Please review the new Incomplete Grade Policy and watch for students in your classes to submit an Incomplete Grade Request form three weeks before the end of the course to request an Incomplete grade. It is up to the instructor to decide if an Incomplete Grade should be assigned.
Grading Notes
- Duo 2FA: GradePage requires two-factor authentication (2FA). You will need to use both your UW NetID and Duo to sign in to GradePage and submit your grades. Please take a moment to verify that you can use Duo.
- Grading Delegates: Please visit the grading delegates information if you have questions about grade delegate status.
- Preferred Name and Grading: Students’ preferred names are used in class lists and GradePage. It is very important to pay attention to the UW student number when working with grades, especially if you must submit grade changes or late grades for manual entry.
- Importing Grades Into GradePage: If you are currently using GradeBook or Canvas to manage student grades, you can import those grades into GradePage. Importing grades from Canvas will require you to set up a grading scale for conversion.
- Guidance Regarding Incomplete Grades: Instructors may grant an incomplete grade if the student has done satisfactory work to within three weeks of the end of the quarter and if circumstances prevent the student from completing the remaining work for the course by the end of the quarter. Instructors are never obligated to grant a student’s request for an Incomplete. Instructors will use the designated process for students to request and for instructors to approve the awarding of an Incomplete grade. Students who did not finish the course or complete the requirements by the end of the quarter in which the course was taken should be assigned a grade reflecting their performance in the course at the time of that quarter’s completion.
- Grading Errors: You can submit grade change requests using the Change of Grade Request form. The UW student number is required for us to process a grade change or late grade. The number in Canvas is not the UW student number — use the new GradePage Change of Grade template if needed to retrieve student numbers.
- Grade Changes and Late Grades: Both must be recorded manually once online grading closes, which could take 3–5 business days during peak submission levels. Late grades can affect a student in many ways, including preventing financial aid eligibility or graduation. As always, thank you for your efforts to submit grades by the deadline. If grade changes or late grades must be submitted, we encourage you to notify students of the situation so they will be aware of the delay.
Missing Grades (“X” notation)
While it was technically possible to assign an “X” to notate a missing grade for a student when submitting grades to the Office of the University Registrar, be advised that “X” is not a grade recognized by the University but instead indicates the absence of a submitted grade, which may have negative consequences for students such as:
All Students
Students who did not monitor their transcripts to watch for missing grades may be surprised when applying for graduation that a grade is missing. This can delay their quarter of graduation and creates stress for students needing to track down grades.
Financial Aid Recipients
- “X” missing grade annotations and “I” Incomplete grades are not completed credits for financial aid purposes. For students receiving federal financial aid courses with a missing grade annotation of “X” or who have been assigned an “I” for Incomplete grades will not have these courses counted as completed credits. This can be detrimental for meeting their Satisfactory Academic Progress. Undergraduate students must complete 80% of their attempted credits and graduate students must complete 67% in order to not jeopardize their eligibility for aid.
- Students receiving state and institutional aid must complete 36 credits a year, with at least 6 completed credits for the quarter to continue to receive aid.
- Students having all of their grades for a quarter of 0.0, “X” annotation, or “I” for Incompletes may owe funds under the Return of Title IV regulations and may have to pay back borrowed funds awarded.
Veterans Education Benefits Recipients
- For students receiving VA education benefits, the Department of Veterans Affairs does not pay for grades with an “X” annotation grade annotation and students will have to pay back the funds provided for that course.
- For graduate students, the VA education benefits do not cover “I” Incomplete grades and students will have to pay back the funds provided for that course.
International Students on an F-1 or J-1 Visa
Federal regulations require F-1 and J-1 international students to maintain full-time enrollment and make academic progress. An “X” or “I” on the transcript could have a negative impact on a student’s F-1 or J-1 future benefits/status.
Scholarship Athletes
Student-athletes should reach out to their athletics advisor if they have questions about eligibility.
Thesis, research, hyphenated courses, and courses numbered 600, 601, 750, 800
If a student is making satisfactory progress and a final grade will be given at the end of the quarter the work is completed, please assign an “N” grade, to indicate coursework in progress.
For more information on the UW Grading System, including details on the Incomplete grade awarding process, please refer to the University of Washington Grading System.
Best regards,
HELEN B. GARRETT, Ed.D., University Registrar
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