ACCESS Registration Guidelines and Process
- ACCESS Registration Form: The registration request form will be available approximately 30 days prior to the start of ACCESS registration date until 5:00 p.m. of the deadline date.
- Registration Start: ACCESS registrations will be processed beginning on the third (3rd) day of the quarter.
- Registration Deadline: The deadline for registration and class changes is two (2) weeks after the third (3rd) day of the quarter.
- Entry Codes: ACCESS students are responsible for obtaining entry codes, when required, and providing them on the registration request form. Registration for classes with missing required entry codes will not be processed.
- Class Selection: ACCESS students may submit up to five (5) classes, in the order of preference.
- Class Limits: ACCESS students are limited to two (2) classes maximum per quarter. ACCESS students must indicate their limit preference of one (1) or two (2) classes.
- Dropping Classes: This form cannot be used to drop ACCESS courses.
- Photo ID: First-time ACCESS students will need to upload a photo of their Washington State ID/License with current address within the registration form.
- Fee Payment: ACCESS students pay registration and other fees by the deadline – third (3rd) Friday of the quarter