Continuing Student Priority
Currently enrolled undergraduate students or undergraduate students who are quarter-off eligible, should register according to the following Course Add Periods.
Priority registration dates are based on
- Number of completed credits
- Currently registered courses (as of two days prior to the first day of registration)
Graduating Senior Priority
Graduating seniors or post-baccalaureate students with a degree application on file may register on the second day of Registration Period I for the final two quarters. Students who must postpone their graduation may save their priority quarters by not registering before their regular senior priority day. Students who have used their Graduating Senior Priority for two quarters will revert to regular senior priority.
Late Registration
Refer to Late Registration Policies and Restrictions for additional information.
Course Add Periods
Registration Period I
This registration period is open for continuing students currently enrolled or for students who completed the previous quarter. A “continuing student” is one who has registered at the same University of Washington campus in the same degree level (i.e., undergraduate to undergraduate) or degree level program (i.e., graduate to graduate) the preceding quarter, or preceding spring quarter, if registering for autumn quarter.
View current quarter’s Registration Period I dates.
Registration dates are based on your completed credits and credits currently registered for. You may register using MyUW on, or after, your registration date and make changes to your schedule.
Registration Period II
This period is primarily for newly admitted students and returning former students. You may register on, or after, your date. Continuing students may register any day during this period.
View current quarter’s Registration Period II dates. Registration Period II opens at midnight.
Registration Period III
This period is from the first day of the quarter through the 7th calendar day of the quarter. It is open to all students for adds and changes. Tuition Exemption Program students (UW faculty/staff and Washington State employees), and Access Students register on specific days within Period III.
View current quarter’s Registration Period III dates. Registration Period III opens at midnight.
You may change to or from the audit grade option through the last day of the second week of the quarter by completing the Audit Grading section of the Registration Transaction Form [PDF] and sending it to the Registration Team.
Late Add Period
This period is open to all students. All courses added during this period require an Entry Code or Faculty Number. A $20 change of registration fee will be charged for all registration changes made on a single day during this period.
View the current quarter’s Late Add Period dates on the Academic Calendar.