Office of the University Registrar

ACCESS Program

The ACCESS Program at the University of Washington allows Washington state residents aged 60 and older to audit one or two university courses per quarter on a space-available basis. The program is a great opportunity to take full advantage of the extraordinary resources of the campus, the outstanding faculty, and the diverse student population.

ACCESS is governed by Chapter 28B.15.540 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW).

Program Information

  • ACCESS students attend classes on an audit basis as a non-matriculated student. Auditors may not participate in class discussions, take tests, or submit papers.
  • ACCESS programs are also available at University of Washington Bothell and University of Washington Tacoma. For additional information, review UW Tacoma Access Program and UW Bothell ACCESS Program. However, UW Bothell and UW Tacoma ACCESS students may submit an online registration form.
  • A transcript is not maintained for ACCESS students.
  • Registration begins the third day of the quarter and for up to two weeks after. Students may not be registered prior to the third day of the quarter. This should NOT be confused with the third day of the course.
  • ACCESS students do not register themselves via MyUW or MyPlan. Only the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) Registration staff may process ACCESS registrations. No other UW office, department, or adviser is authorized to register ACCESS students.

Spring 2025 ACCESS Registration

ACCESS registration dates are based on the Academic Calendar.

Online Registration Form Opens: 8am Monday, March 3, 2024
Registration Begins Wednesday, April 2, 2025
Registration Ends: 5pm
Thursday, April 17, 2025
Payment Due Friday, April 18, 2025

Course Registration

Step 1: Check Course Offerings

Course information is available online in the University Time Schedule.
NOTE: The UW no longer offers a paper catalog of course offerings.

  • Select the quarter and year: A list of schools and departments will be displayed.
  • Select the department and course abbreviation: A listing of available courses will be displayed.
  • Schedule Line Number (SLN): Each course section has a five-digit SLN. Students with a UW NetID can click on the SLN to view course details such as the most current space availability.
  • Registration Restrictions: Take note of any special registration restrictions, such as no auditors or an entry code requirement which is noted with a “>” symbol next to the SLN.
  • Department contacts: Course specific questions or entry code requests must be directed to the department or instructor. Department contacts may be found in the UW Office Directory and specific instructors may be found in the UW Directory.
  • Question Section (QZ): Lecture sections (LC) may include a QZ section. ACCESS students will need to be registered for both sections but do not actually attend the QZ. Please include an open quiz section on the registration form.

Course Limitations

ACCESS students may NOT enroll in the following courses:

  • English 100, 101, 102 | Math 098
  • UW Professional & Continuing Education (PCE) and other courses associated with fee-based programs
  • Asian Languages & Literature language courses
  • Studio, laboratory courses, and honors sections
  • Sections with a restriction of No Non-Matriculated, Auditors, and/or ACCESS students in the quarterly Time Schedule

Enrollment Restrictions

  • FRENCH and ITAL courses: Only FRENCH and ITALIAN courses taught by full-time faculty are open to auditors with instructor approval. Please email the Language Programs Director for approval at the email address indicated in the Time Schedule.
  • DANISH, FINN, NORW, and SWED courses: Only 300-level DANISH, FINNISH, NORWEGIAN and SWEDISH courses are open to auditors with instructor approval. Please email the instructor or to discuss participation.

Step 2: Course Entry Codes

An Entry Code is a 5-digit number used for course registration, if required by the course. Entry codes are obtained from the instructor or department, can only be used once, and must be provided on the ACCESS registration form when necessary.

Courses which require entry codes

  • 500 level courses always require entry codes.
  • Courses which are full require an entry code to overload the class. It is up to the department’s discretion to overload their courses.
  • Courses with a “>” symbol next to the SLN on the Time Schedule require an entry code.

Step 3: Submit Completed ACCESS Registration Form

The Online ACCESS Registration form opens approximately one month before registration begins: Complete and submit the online registration request form.

The ACCESS Student Number is the same as the UW Student Number which remains assigned to students for the entirety of their tenure at UW. This is NOT an Alumni Association number.

    • New Students: Leave the student number field blank – a student number will be assigned.
    • Returning Students: Provide previously assigned UW or ACCESS Student Number.
    • Forgotten Student Number: Returning students who cannot remember their UW or ACCESS Student Number may leave the field blank but indicate the approximate dates of attendance in the space provided.

Step 4: Payment & Fees

  • Payment is due by the tuition deadline which is the third Friday of the quarter.
  • Credit/debit card and Webcheck payments can be made in the Accounts section of Log into MyUW. [UW NetID required]
  • Students cannot pay until they have been registered. Payment cannot be accepted ahead of time and/or with the registration form.
  • Contact Student Fiscal Services at 206-543-4694 with questions regarding payments.
Registration Fee
ACCESS students may enroll for a maximum of two courses per quarter with a registration fee of $5. Note: Registration fees are not refundable.
Course Fees
Some departments impose course fees and in most cases, the student is responsible for paying the fee. ACCESS students are encouraged to check with the department regarding course fees and how it applies to Auditors. Additionally, the Office of the University Registrar may provide an explanation of these additional fees.
Student Technology Fee (STF)
ACCESS students will also pay the tech fee, which is an additional fee of approximately $4 per credit in addition to the registration fee. The STF allows registered students access to computer labs, technology resources, and certain campus-wide services funded by the Student Technology Fee Committee. For example, an ACCESS student auditing a 5 credit class will pay approximately $25 per quarter with both fees. Note: The STF is subject to the same rules as tuition forfeiture.
Services and Activities Fee (SAF)
ACCESS students DO NOT pay SAF and are therefore not entitled to participate in or receive student pricing for UW programs and/or services that are funded by the Services and Activities Fee Committee. SAF funded programs include, but are not limited to, ASUW & GPSS events or services, Universal U-Pass pricing, Student Publications, Student Loan Fund, Husky Health Center, recreational sports programs, the IMA, childcare, Student Legal Services, Ethnic Cultural Center, Husky Union Building (HUB) facilities, and UW CARES.

Helpful Tips

  • Check the Time Schedule on Registration Day: Many students add and drop courses during the first week of the quarter and enrollment numbers fluctuate. A course previously thought closed that needed an entry code may become available.
  • Register only for courses you plan to attend: ACCESS students are responsible to pay the registration fee even if eventually withdrawn, and because the STF is based on the number of credits registered for, do not register for more classes than you plan to attend.

Withdraw or Drop a Course

ACCESS students who need to withdraw from course(s) may do so by emailing the Registration team at

ACCESS Program Resources & Guidelines

Husky Card

ACCESS students registered for courses may request a student ID card in the Husky Card Office located on the ground floor of Odegaard library next to the By George Cafe. Husky cards do not require renewal, however, a replacement fee is charged if it is lost.

Active Husky Card Benefits

Student Conduct Code

Through the Student Conduct Code, Huskies hold themselves to the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and accountability. The University of Washington expects ACCESS students to be informed of the Student Conduct Code and to conduct themselves as a responsible member of the UW community. The office of Community Standards & Student Conduct (CSSC) administers the Student Conduct Code.

Student Organization

ACCESS students have formed a Registered Student Organization (RSO), ACCESS Student Resource Group (ASRG), to enhance the academic and social experience of ACCESS students and to create opportunities for ACCESS students to help the educational and service goals of the University and its greater community. ASRG sponsors informal meetups, a Facebook Group, and special lecture events. For questions or comments, email

UW NetID – University Email Address

ACCESS students may create a UW NetID. This optional service is a username which allows registered students login access to certain computers on campus & web resources and establish a UW email account. Some courses which use Canvas for class readings will require UW NetID access. Students may reset a forgotten UW NetID password by visiting UW NetID Recovery. UW-IT administers services related to UW NetIDs.