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Graduate and Professional Students

Residency for Graduate and Professional Students

The process for Graduate and Professional students to establish and document residency in the state of Washington is the same as for undergraduate students. Please view the information for Financially Independent Students or Financially Dependent Students as applicable.

Residency Requirements for Externships and Internships

The following parameters are for Graduate and Professional students who plan to apply for residency for tuition purposes and leave the state for an internship or other educational opportunities prior to residing in Washington for 12 months.

To be considered, students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Prove that student’s absence is due to an internship, externship, study abroad, or temporary employment related to their educational study.
  2. Provide official verification from the department, school, or company/firm where the internship or externship is taking place.
  3. Registered for courses for the Autumn Quarter prior to leaving for the summer internship or externship.
  4. Provide verification of continued domicile in Washington such as signing a lease prior to leaving, storage of personal items, etc.
  5. Established and maintained all Washington legal ties and financial independence. Please reference Residency Requirements.