Grades can be submitted to the Student Database (SDB) via the GradePage grading system by someone other than a course’s instructor(s) of record: a grade submission delegate.
It is the responsibility of the instructor(s) of record to submit grades in an accurate and timely manner. However, the University recognizes that there are times and circumstances where the instructor(s) of record cannot do this, and so the GradePage grade submission delegate system was created. Additional resources and information about grading can be found on the grading resources page.
Delegate System
The GradePage submission delegate system was designed to help with exceptional circumstances and is not meant to transfer the responsibility of submitting accurate grades in a timely manner. Grade submission is still the responsibility of the instructor(s) of record for each section. The submission delegate system is a tool to help reduce difficulties students face stemming from the late submission of grades due to exceptional circumstances.
The role of grading delegate provides an alternative in case the official Instructor of Record (IoR) is unable to submit grades for any reason, such as a personal emergency. This functionality is intended to be used infrequently and in cases of emergency.
Grading delegates can be assigned at the section, curriculum, department, or college/school level. The role’s authority is strictly limited to submit grades during the open grading period using GradePage.
The role of grading delegate was not designed to support other departmental needs or workflows, such as departmental record-keeping or oversight of grading. Grading delegates are not automatically granted access to instructors’ existing grading resources.
To Submit Grades as a Delegate
Submitting grades as a delegate is a manual process that closely resembles the process of submitting as an instructor.
Directions on how to submit final grades can be found in GradePage: Assign and Submit Grades.
Delegate Hierarchy
There are four levels of grade submission delegates, and only one delegate may be designated per level. The levels are:
- Section
- Curriculum
- Department
- College/School
The Office of the University Registrar assumes that delegates communicate with the instructor(s) of record and submit grades in accordance with their wishes.
Span of Control
Delegates may submit grades for any section at their level or below it; this is known as their span of control. For example:
- Department-level delegate may submit grades for any section within that department
- Curriculum-level delegate may submit grades for any section that begins with that curriculum prefix
- Section-level delegate is restricted to submitting grades for that section
Choosing a Delegate
At the section level, either the instructor(s) of record or the departmental Time Schedule Coordinator can designate a delegate. The instructor(s) of record may do this via the MyClass Resources channel in MyUW; Time Schedule Coordinators may designate a delegate via the Time Schedule Update maintenance tool.
- Curriculum- and department-level delegates can be modified via an email to the Office of the University Registrar from a departmental chair or administrator.
- College-level delegates can be changed via an email from a dean or college-level administrator.
Teaching Assistants
Teaching Assistants (TAs) do not need to be made a delegate if the TA is already an instructor of record for the section. However, for large lectures where the TA is the instructor of record for a secondary section (e.g., quiz or lab), secondary grading must be enabled for the TA to be able to submit grades via GradePage.