Office of the University Registrar



Will I still be able to use my annual drop if I complete the Current Quarter Drop-Self Serve in MyUW?

No, because the Annual Drop, as of autumn 2020, has been discontinued. The Current Quarter Drop process, which can be completed each quarter replaces the former Annual Drop. You can drop one course in MyUW as part of the Current Quarter Drop-Self Serve and then submit the request to go to your adviser or advising team through the Current Quarter Drop-Adviser Assist process, and these are done each quarter between weeks three through seven.

Advisers, Faculty, and Staff

Once I have connected with the student requesting a drop in the Current Quarter Drop - Adviser-Assisted process where do I forward the form to the correct Registration Team?

Forward the request by email from the student with your direction on if we are to drop all of the classes listed or a portion to:
UW Seattle,
UW Tacoma,
UW Bothell,

If, after speaking with the student, they decide that they do not want to drop a class or some of the classes what do we do?

If the student does not want to drop any of the classes on the request form do not notify the campus registration team – meaning there is no need to forward anything to the registration office. If they want to drop some of the classes and not all, annotate exactly which classes should be dropped or not clearly for your campus registration team when you forward the student’s Current Quarter Drop-Adviser Assist request form/email to the respective registration office.