Office of the University Registrar

January 6, 2025

Winter 2025 Registration Change Guide

Dear University of Washington students,

Welcome to Winter 2025. This message provides important information about new changes around registration and your transcript that are effective for the 2024–2025 academic year.

This also contains a guide with information about adding, dropping, or withdrawing from any or all of your Winter 2025 courses. You may not need these instructions until later in the quarter, so hold onto this email for future reference.

New for the 2024–2025 Academic Calendar Year!

Changes to Period 1 Registration Dates

Undergraduate Academic Standing Terms

Incomplete Grade Policy and Request Form

There is a new policy on Incomplete grades that became effective Autumn 2024. For any Incomplete grade assigned to an undergraduate student in Autumn 2024 and after, the Incomplete notation (I) will be removed from the transcript after the following quarter ends and a final grade is recorded for the course. The removal of the Incomplete notation (I) does not apply to graduate students.

Community Engaged Learning/Service Learning Annotation

  • The letter “E” for a Community Engaged Learning course will be used instead of the letter “S” for Service Learning.
  • Effective as of Autumn 2024.

Winter 2025 Registration Change Guide

We strongly encourage you to consult with your adviser or advising team before making any of the following changes.

Carefully review these instructions, deadlines, and links. Beginning January 13, 2025, there will be a $20 Change of Registration fee associated with any kind of change to your Winter 2025 registration, with a maximum of $20 charged per day.

UW Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Review the University of Washington 2024–2025 Academic Calendar, especially the “Adding/ Dropping Courses or Complete Withdrawal” section, for Winter 2025 deadlines.

Request a Religious Accommodation

It is the policy of the University to reasonably accommodate students’ religious observances. Learn more about the Religious Accommodations Policy.

Winter 2025 Deadline: Friday, January 17, 2025 by 5p.m.

Time Conflicts

Students who register for two classes that meet for any portion of the same class time, it is your responsibility to meet the requirements of each course in terms of exams and instructors’ expectations.

Drop Courses From Your Schedule

Review the tuition forfeiture policy when considering course drops. You may not get all your tuition back, depending on when you drop.

Period Fee Transcript Drops
Through Jan 12
End of Week 1
No fee charged Course drops do not appear on your transcript Add and drop courses freely using MyUW.
Withdrawal: Students who drop all their courses will have a withdrawal statement and the date of withdrawal posted to their transcript.
Jan 13–19
Week 2
Unrestricted Drop Period
$20 fee charged Course drops do not appear on your transcript You can continue to add and drop courses using MyUW, but you will be charged a $20 Change of Registration fee for all registration changes made on a single day.
Withdrawal: Students who drop all their courses will have a withdrawal statement and the date of withdrawal posted to their transcript.
Jan 20–Mar 14
Week 3-Last Day of Instruction
Late Course Drop Period
$20 fee charged Course drops appear on your transcript You may drop one class yourself via MyUW using the self-serve Quarterly Drop. Follow the same instructions as Week 2. To drop multiple classes or an additional class if you already used your Quarterly Drop, use the Adviser-Assisted Drop Request Form. Consult with your adviser, who must approve your schedule changes before your campus registration team completes the request. Each dropped course will appear on the transcript with a Registrar Drop (RD) annotation.

Additionally: Students whose enrollment depends on maintaining full-time status, including NCAA athletes and F-1/J-1 international students, may not be able to use the self-serve Quarterly Drop. In these cases, use the Adviser-Assisted Drop.

Withdraw Completely from the Quarter

Period Fee Transcript Drops
Jan 20–Mar 14
Week 3-Last Day of Instruction
No fee charged Course drops appear on your transcript To withdraw from all your courses, submit the Adviser-Assisted Drop Request Form. Students may not completely withdraw after March 14, 2025. Dropped courses will be noted on the transcript with an RD annotation, along with a withdrawal statement and the date of withdrawal.

Registrar Drop (RD) Transcript Notation

Students who drop any courses beginning the third week of the quarter will have RD listed on their transcript for those courses.


Through Weekday, Month, Date: End of Finals Week/Quarter
Students can change their course grading to Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory (S/NS) until Friday, March 21, 2025. S grades do not count for undergraduate degree requirements.

Students are limited to 20 S/NS credits through Personal Services on MyUW. Students who exceed this limit, including during Extraordinary Circumstances Quarters, can request more at for a $20 fee. If this fee creates a financial hardship for you, we recommend reaching out to the Office of Student Financial Aid for assistance.

Drop Courses from a Previous Quarter

The Former Quarter Drop (FQD) option lets students request to drop past-quarter courses due to uncontrollable extenuating circumstances. If approved, an RD will appear on your transcript for those courses.

To check if this process is suitable for you, review the policy and eligibility criteria. If needed, consult an adviser for assistance with the FQD process.

Registration Tampering Abuse Policy: Don’t trade, buy, sell, or hold spots in classes!

Know that trading, holding, selling, or buying spots is a breach of the Registration Tampering Abuse Policy. Consequences include referral to the Student Code of Conduct process, a Registrar’s Hold on your record, and potential diploma withholding for graduating students until the conduct process is complete.


The University of Washington is committed to ensuring everyone is welcomed here as their authentic self. You can find a new central online resource on the Husky Health & Well-Being website with important information about Sharing Pronouns at UW.

Manage Your Name Types

Students can provide the University with a variety of name types associated with their student records. Review the name types and to learn how to manage your name.

Please contact your corresponding campus registration team with any questions regarding registration.

Helen B. Garrett, Ed.D., University Registrar
University of Washington –

Andrea Coker-Anderson, MPA, Registrar
University of Washington Tacoma –

Pamela H. Lundquist, M.Ed., Registrar
University of Washington Bothell –