Prior to Scheduling an Appointment
- Students at the University of Washington in Seattle are encouraged to thoroughly review the topics and content within this website before making an in-person appointment.
- All necessary forms/applications, as well as the answers to most basic questions about the requirements and processes, are provided within.
- During high-demand times, appointment length is limited to 15 minutes — being prepared with a list of specific questions will help make the most of the appointment time.
Advising Appointments
Advising appointments are held via Zoom. Be sure to check your email at least two hours before the scheduled appointment for Zoom meeting information.
Residency Documents
- Submission of Residency Questionnaires, Residency Affidavits, and all tuition waiver eligibility forms and documentation should be done via the submission portal for the quarter you are applying for.
- If the submission portal for that quarter is not yet open, you will need to wait until it is to submit your material.
- We do not accept documents by email, postal mail, or any other method.
- You do not submit documents during your appointment.
What to Expect During a Residency Appointment
The primary role of the Residency Classification Office is to determine whether students have demonstrated that they have met the requirements to be classified as a Washington State resident for tuition purposes. Information and clarifications are provided about how the requirements and processes for students to demonstrate their residency may apply to particularly complicated circumstances. However, we cannot tell students how to become a resident, make a residency determination, or project the outcome of a residency application during an appointment.
Parents and Relatives
The Residency Classification Office will not discuss a student’s residency status or application with anyone other than the student. Please have the student schedule an appointment.
Schedule an Appointment
The following link will direct you to the appointment service to select the date and time most convenient for you. Appointment times are 15 minutes in length.
Schedule An Appointment
Email Advising
Send a question to the Residency Team at UW Seattle. Our goal is to respond to email inquiries within 5 business days. For pressing or complicated advising questions, please schedule an appointment.
Student at UW Bothell and UW Tacoma
Current and prospective UW Bothell or UW Tacoma students should contact their respective Residency Office for assistance.
Drop-In Advising | Visit Bothell Office of the Registrar – Residency for more information. |
Email Advising | Send a question to a UW Bothell Residency adviser. |
Where to Submit Residency Documents | UW Bothell Registrar University of Washington, Bothell Office of the Registrar Box 358500 18115 Campus Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 |
Drop-In Advising | Visit Tacoma Office of the Registrar – Residency for more information. |
Email Advising | Send a question to a UW Tacoma Residency adviser. |
Where to Submit Residency Documents | UW Tacoma Registrar University of Washington, Tacoma Office of the Registrar Mattress Factory 253 Box 358400 Tacoma, WA 98402 |