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Electronic Academic Records System

EARS allows authorized UW users to access official student record information in a web-based interface. Use of this system is restricted to advisers and campus administrative staff.

Request Access to EARS

To request administrative access to EARS:

EARS training

New users to EARS can take a quick training course on how to use EARS.

EARS training course UWNetID

Access EARS

Log into EARS UWNetID

FERPA Acknowledgment

EARS provides access to student academic information, so it is subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. FERPA protects the privacy of student education records. EARS information is available only to university staff when required for the performance of their responsibilities to the university.

For me information, please review FERPA for Students and FERPA for Faculty and Staff.

Under FERPA, users of EARS agree that they:

  • Have a legitimate need to access student information in performance of their university duties.
  • Will not share or otherwise permit any access to a student’s information with others without written consent from the student.