Office of the University Registrar


September 25, 2020

Current Quarter Drop

The Current Quarter Drop process allows students to drop classes using the Adviser-Assisted Drop Request Form during the Late Course Drop Period. Overview and Timeline Several University of Washington policies affect when and how you can drop classes. Each quarter, you may add and drop classes with no restrictions until the end of the second…

July 27, 2020

Prepare to Register

Continuing Students Students who are continuing, registering from one quarter to the next (excluding Summer quarter), may register beginning at 6am on their Priority Registration Date. New, Transfer, Grad, Professional, Returning Students Confirm Plans to Enroll New Undergrad & Transfer Students Graduate & Professional Students Returning Students* 1. Access the New Huskies website 2. Accept…

Policies & Procedures

Registration Policies and Procedures Policy reference for information on this page may be found in the UW Policy Directory in the following sections: Student Governance and Policies

ACCESS Program

The ACCESS Program at the University of Washington allows Washington state residents aged 60 and older to audit one or two university courses per quarter on a space-available basis. The program is a great opportunity to take full advantage of the extraordinary resources of the campus, the outstanding faculty, and the diverse student population. ACCESS…

Registration Periods

Continuing Student Priority Currently enrolled undergraduate students or undergraduate students who are quarter-off eligible, should register according to the Course Add Periods listed below. Priority registration dates are based on Number of completed credits Currently registered courses (as of two days prior to the first day of registration) Graduating Senior Priority Graduating seniors or post-baccalaureate…


How to Register with MyPlan The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) is here to support students with the registration process by providing guidelines and policy information. There are many online resources to help understand the UW registration process. For all other registration questions, please contact the Registrar Student Services at Set up and…

State Employee Tuition Exemption

The State Employee Tuition Exemption Program is one of the most valuable benefits offered to Washington State employees, covering up to 6 credits of qualifying coursework per quarter on a space-available basis. The University’s Tuition Exemption Policy is governed by Chapter 28B.15.558 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and UW Administrative Policy Statement 22.1….

Registration Changes

Specific dates referenced in these policies are based on the Academic Calendar. Drop Policies are governed by WAC 478-161-015. Change of Registration Fee A Change of Registration fee is assessed for any number of add, drop, or change transactions (including change of grading option) made during a given day beginning the first day of the…

July 23, 2020

Registration Resources

The University of Washington has two systems for students to navigate academic options and register for classes: MyPlan and Registration with SLNs (Schedule Line Numbers). MyPlan Notify.UW Course Notifications Sign up for free course notifications for open and closed course sections via email or text. Notify.UW also provides notifications when a course first closes, allowing…

July 22, 2020

CQD Adviser-Assisted Drop Request Form

Before you Begin You will be asked to provide the following: Your academic/program adviser email, or; Your advising team email, and; Instructor name and email for each class you plan to drop (optional) Please take the time to look up this information before proceeding with the CQD request form. CQD Request Form

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