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Reverse Transfer Program

The Reverse Transfer Program is a means by which a student may receive an associate’s degree after transferring from a 2-year, lower-division institution of higher education to a 4-year institution. The University of Washington Reverse Transfer program is limited to students who have transferred from a Washington Community or Technical College to the University of Washington.

Upon the student’s request, their current UW academic transcript is forwarded to the Washington Community or Technical College where it is reviewed to check if that student has become eligible to earn their associate’s degree. If so, the associate’s degree is awarded by the Washington Community or Technical College.

Frequently Asked Questions


Students transferring to the University of Washington from a Washington Community or Technical College before earning a Washington Community or Technical College associate’s degree will be able to apply academic credits they earn at UW toward completion of an associate’s degree from their former Washington Community or Technical College.

Adding an associate’s degree to your Washington Community or Technical College transcript will show that you have completed a higher education program and earned a credential. Having an associate’s degree on your Washington Community or Technical College record may also help build your resume and document applicable job qualifications prior to earning your baccalaureate degree.

As a former Washington Community or Technical College student who enrolled at the University of Washington before earning your associate’s degree, you may be eligible for this program.

Even though a student is now seeking a bachelor’s degree, there are several advantages to the student who applies for the associate’s degree through Reverse Transfer. Particularly,

  • The associate’s degree is a marketable credential in the workplace, giving students who possess the associate’s degree an edge when applying for employment;
  • Earning the associate’s degree shows prospective employers a certain level of responsibility, focus, and persistence which is required to attain the degree and is valuable in the workplace environment;
  • The associate’s degree is also often a positive incentive aiding the student in completing the work required to attain the bachelor’s degree.

According to the University of Washington Reverse Transfer Program policy, students with sufficient credits are notified about the potential opportunity for reverse transfer. This includes students who

  • have earned at least 60 transferable quarter credits at a Washington Community or Technical College prior to transferring to the University of Washington;
  • have completed at least 30 credits at the University of Washington;
  • have enrolled at the University of Washington prior to earning an associate’s degree;
  • have not entered the UW as first-year “freshmen/first-year” (after high school graduation) with college credit earned at a Washington Community or Technical College prior to high school graduation.

As outlined in the University of Washington Reverse Transfer Policy, credits earned from your Washington Community or Technical College prior to transferring to UW, in conjunction with credits earned at the University of Washington, may be applied toward an associate’s degree from your former Washington Community or Technical College.

Only your former Washington Community or Technical College can determine whether or not you meet their associate degree requirements. You can initiate an associate degree review by following the reverse transfer process, which includes the submission of your official UW transcript back to your former college.

  1. At the end of each quarter, the University of Washington identifies students who may be eligible for Reverse Transfer based on credits earned.
  2. The University of Washington notifies students about the Reverse Transfer process.
  3. To initiate the process, the student contacts the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges.
  4. The State Board of Community and Technical Colleges connects the student to their former Washington Community or Technical College.
  5. Students can request a complimentary official transcript from the University of Washington to be sent to their former college as part of the Reverse Transfer process by contacting the Registration Team.
  6. The Washington Community or Technical College notifies students as to whether or not an associate’s degree has been awarded.
  7. Washington Community or Technical College student’s amended transcript is sent to the University of Washington Undergraduate Admissions Office.
  8. The University of Washington annotates the student’s University of Washington transfer record with the information that an associate’s degree was awarded by the Washington Community or Technical College.

No. Reverse Transfer requires that your Washington Community or Technical College determines when their associate’s degree requirements are satisfied. They will determine how your UW credits transfer to their institution and whether or not the UW credits are applicable to their associate’s degree.

The associate’s degree you were working on while enrolled at the Washington Community or Technical College is generally the degree you would be awarded. To be certain, check with the student enrollment services department or your academic advisor at your former Washington Community or Technical College.

Consult the Registrar’s Office at your Washington Community or Technical College to determine participation requirements for commencement.

No. The University of Washington Reverse Transfer program is a means for completing the associate’s degree while continuing to pursue your bachelor’s degree at the University of Washington. You may return to your Washington Community or Technical College to complete the associate’s degree.

No. You will only be notified by your former Washington Community or Technical College. If you have questions about associate degree requirements, you will need to consult with the graduation coordinator or the Registrar’s Office at your Washington Community or Technical College.

You may also contact the Registration Team or State Board of Community and Technical Colleges Student Services at 360-704-4315 or through the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges website.