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Status Definitions

Class Standing

Class standing is determined by the student’s total number of credits, not by the number of years of college study or completion of an associate degree.

Standing Credits
Freshman/First-year 0-44
Sophomore 45-89
Junior 90-134
Senior 135+

Additional information on how class standing is determined:
Dual-Credit Programs: College in the High School | Running Start Program
Transfer Credit: Transfer Credit Policy


The student’s current major. The department listed here may not be the major a student indicated as the area of interest on their application for admission. Many majors at the University have admission requirements that must be completed before being eligible to declare the major.

Review Choosing a Major for additional information on how to choose a major, as well as a complete listing of undergraduate majors offered at the University of Washington.


The School or College to which a major department belongs. Visit Colleges and Schools, Academic Departments, and Degree Programs for a complete listing of what is available at the University of Washington.

Student Number

The student number (UW ID Number) is used for identification and verification purposes while a student at the University of Washington. It will benefit students to memorize this number, as it will be requested often.

Residency Status

Residency status determines whether a student pays in-state or out-of-state tuition. Students classified as a NONRESIDENT and believe this is in error, should review Residency for Tuition Purposes for a complete explanation of the rules governing Washington State Residency.

Scholastic Academic Standing


Old Beginning August 20, 2024
Warning Academic Alert
Probation Academic Warning
Low Scholarship Drop Academic Drop
Academic Alert
An undergraduate student whose GPA falls below 2.00 in their first quarter at the University receives an academic alert. If a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 for courses earned in residence at the University is not achieved by the end of the next quarter, the student will be placed on academic warning.
Academic Warning and Academic Drop
An undergraduate student is placed on academic warning at the end of any quarter (except for the first quarter at the University, when an academic alert is issued) in which their cumulative GPA falls below 2.00. The student remains on academic warning until the cumulative GPA is raised to at least 2.00. If this requires more than one quarter’s work, the student must maintain a quarterly GPA of at least 2.00 each succeeding quarter or the student is put on academic drop.
An undergraduate student who qualifies for the Quarterly Dean’s List but has an overall cumulative GPA below 2.00 receives this notation indicating both their Dean’s List and Academic Warning status.
A student who has been dropped under academic drop rules is readmitted to the University only at the discretion of the dean of the school or college to which readmission is sought. A student readmitted after being dropped under these rules re-enters on academic warning. The student’s GPA is the same as when dropped from the University, and the student may not use grades from other colleges or universities to raise their UW GPA. A readmitted student is dropped if they fail to attain either a 2.00 GPA for the following quarter’s work or a cumulative UW GPA of 2.00 at the end of that quarter. The student is removed from academic warning at the end of the quarter in which a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or better is reached.
Senior in Final Quarter
A senior who has completed the required number of credits for graduation, but whose work in what would normally be their final quarter places them on academic warning, does not receive a degree until removed from academic warning. A senior who has completed the required number of credits for graduation, but whose work during the last quarter results in being dropped with the academic drop, does not receive a degree until readmitted and removed from academic warning.