Office of the University Registrar

Incomplete Grade Policy

University of Washington Incomplete Grade Policy

Per Scholastics Regulations Chapter 110 Grades, Honors, and Scholarships instructors may choose to assign an Incomplete grade for courses.

Systems of Grading


Section 1.A. 3. System of Grading (Undergraduates)
3) The Grade I

  • Instructors may grant an incomplete grade if the student has done satisfactory work to within three weeks of the last day of the quarter and if circumstances prevent the student from completing the remaining work for the course by the end of the quarter. Instructors are never obligated to grant a student’s request for an Incomplete. Instructors will use the designated process for students to request and for instructors to approve the awarding of an Incomplete grade.
  • A grade must be submitted by the instructor of the course by the grading deadline per the Academic Calendar for the next subsequent quarter. For Spring quarter, the subsequent quarter is considered to be the Autumn Quarter. This submission is done through the established late grade submission process. The submitted grade will replace the “I” on the transcript. If no grade is submitted the Incomplete will convert to a grade of 0.0 and the “I” will be removed from the official transcript. If a default grade was submitted by the instructor this grade will replace the “I” on the transcript. Courses taken CR/NC will change to a NC.
  • In no case shall an Incomplete on the record at the time a degree is granted be subsequently changed to any other grade.
  • The grade I shall count neither for registered hours nor in computation of grade-point averages.
  • Instructors, on behalf of the student, may request an extension for one additional quarter beyond the original grading quarter using the established extension request process. The instructor must email the University Registrar, Dr. Helen B. Garrett, at Provide the student’s full name, netid, and the reasons they need another quarter to complete their work from the quarter you originally graded them with an Incomplete. We will look at their reasons, their academic history, we may reach out to the student for more information and will return a decision on whether the extension will be granted to the instructor and the student.

Grading Practices for Graduate Students

Section 1.B. 2. Grading Practices for Graduate Students
2) The Grade I

  • An Incomplete may be given as indicated in Subsection 1.A.3.a with the exception that an incomplete received by the graduate student does not automatically convert to a grade of 0.0, but the “I” will remain as a permanent part of the student’s record.
  • In order to obtain credit for the course, a student must convert an Incomplete into a passing grade by the last day of the next quarter in residence. This rule may be waived by the dean of the college in which the course is offered. The instructor must email the University Registrar, Dr. Helen B. Garrett, at Provide the student’s full name, netid, and the reasons they need another quarter to complete their work from the quarter you originally graded them with an Incomplete. We will look at their reasons, their academic history, we may reach out to the student for more information, and we will email the dean of the college in which the course is offered to obtain their approval to waive the Graduate School requirement. The instructor and student will be notified by the University Registrar of the dean’s decision.

Grading Practice for the School of Medicine

Section 1.C. Grading Practice for the School of Medicine
An Incomplete shall be converted to a passing grade by the next quarter in residence except that this time limit may be extended up to one year with the approval of the dean’s office. Incompletes not so converted shall be replaced by a Fail grade.

Grading Practice for the School of Law

Section D. Grading Practice for the School of Law
Incomplete grades are not assigned in the School of Law.

Grading Practice for the School of Dentistry

Section E.1.c. Grading Practice for the School of Dentistry
c. A student earns an incomplete (I) when every one of the following circumstances is in evidence:

  • The student does not complete all course requirements by the final day of the course
  • The student’s performance has been satisfactory to within two (2) weeks of the end of the quarter; or extenuating circumstances prevent the student from successfully completing or fully participating in the course; and
  • The student presents proof satisfactory to the course director that circumstances beyond the student’s control prevent completion of course requirements. Such proof must be received by the course director no later than the time grades are due at the Registrar’s Office according to the University calendar.

If all of the above circumstances are not in evidence, the student must not be awarded an Incomplete (“I”).

Grading Practice for the School of Pharmacy

Section F.1.C. Grading Practice for the School of Pharmacy
Incomplete Grades
An “I” (Incomplete) grade may be given only when a student has been in attendance and has done satisfactory work to within two of the end of the quarter and has furnished proof satisfactory to the instructor that the work cannot be completed because of illness or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. To obtain credit for the course, a student must successfully complete the work and the instructor must submit a grade. In no case may an Incomplete be converted into a passing grade after a lapse of two years or more. An incomplete received by the student does not automatically convert to a grade of 0.0 or No Credit, but the “I” will remain as a permanent part of the student’s record.

Instructions for UW Bothell and UW Tacoma Students

UW Bothell: Please refer to the UW Bothell Incomplete grade policy for instructions and access to the request form.

UW Tacoma: Please refer to the UW Tacoma Incomplete grade policy and request form for instructions.

Instructions for UW Seattle Students

If you are within three weeks of the end of the quarter, you can request an Incomplete grade from your instructor.

To request an Incomplete grade, you must:

  • Complete the Incomplete Grade Request form. You should do this no later than the last day of the quarter, but before that is better. Your instructor needs to have enough time to review your request and discuss it with you before grades are due. Grades are due on the Tuesday after the last day of the quarter (refer to the Academic Calendar).
  • Make a separate request for each course you want to request an Incomplete grade in.

To submit the form, you will need to know:

  • your course abbreviation and number (e.g., MATH 124)
  • your instructor’s name
  • your instructor’s email address

When you submit the form, it will be sent directly to the instructor whose email you provided. You will receive a confirmation email.

After you submit the form, you must follow up with the instructor to discuss your request for an Incomplete grade and what steps you would take to complete the work for the course by the time the Incomplete grade expires.

Remember that:

  • Per policy, your instructor is not required to grant your request for an Incomplete grade.
  • If you are given an Incomplete grade, you do not register for that course again in a future quarter. That will not “make up” the work for the Incomplete grade.
  • It is your responsibility to discuss your request with your instructor to be clear on what needs to be made up. It is 100% up to the instructor to make the decision on whether you will earn an Incomplete grade or not.

Impact of Incomplete Grades

Financial Aid Recipients

“I” Incomplete grades are not completed credits for financial aid purposes. Students receiving federal financial aid courses who have been assigned an “I” for Incomplete grades will not have these courses counted as completed credits. This can be detrimental for meeting their Satisfactory Academic Progress. Undergraduate students must complete 80% of their attempted credits and graduate students must complete 67% in order to not jeopardize their eligibility for financial aid. Students receiving state and institutional aid must complete 36 credits a year, with at least 6 completed credits for the quarter to continue to receive financial aid. Students having all of their grades for a quarter of 0.0, “X” annotation, or “I” for Incompletes may owe funds under the Return of Title IV regulations and may have to pay back borrowed funds awarded.

Veterans Education Benefits Recipients

  • Students receiving VA education benefits, consult with the Veterans Educational Benefits Office, before requesting an Incomplete to verify its impact on your VA benefits.
  • Graduate students, the VA education benefits do not cover “I” Incomplete grades and students will have to pay back the funds provided for that course.

International Students on a F-1 or J-1 Visa

Federal regulations require F-1 and J-1 international students to maintain full-time enrollment and make academic progress. An “I” on the transcript could have a negative impact on a student’s F-1 or J-1 future benefits/status.

Scholarship Athletes

Student-athletes should reach out to their athletics advisor if they have questions about eligibility.

By completing and submitting this form, you are confirming that you understand:

  • That you must have done satisfactory work to within three weeks of the last day of the quarter.
  • That your instructor(s) are not required to grant your request for an Incomplete grade.
  • That you have one quarter to complete the work and receive a grade for the Incomplete (for spring quarter, the next quarter is considered to be autumn).
  • That if you do not receive a grade after one quarter, the Incomplete grade will change to a failing grade (or the default grade your instructor provided).
  • For undergraduate students only: That the “I” will be removed from your transcript after the grade is received or the Incomplete grade converts. This is based on your status as a student, and not on the level of the course.
  • For graduate students only: That the “I” does not automatically convert to a grade of 0.0, but the “I” will remain as a permanent part of the student’s record.
  • That an Incomplete in your transcript at the time of degree conferral cannot be changed to any other grade.
  • That an “I” grade does not count toward credit hours or GPA.
  • That taking the course again will not replace an Incomplete.
  • That your instructor can request a one-quarter extension on your behalf.

Incomplete Grade Request Form – Winter 2025

Form opens: Friday, February 21, 2025 @ 8 a.m.
Form closes: Friday, March 21, 2025 @ 5 p.m.

Incomplete Grade Request form